Click the button above to visit the GM2.0 Info page which is the home for the BM>GM Converters (Body Measurements to Garment Measurements).
Jacket Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
Trouser Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
The final U-Rise (on body) video does not belong to Trands but is a good representation of how to take the U-Rise measurement on the client's body.
Waistcoat Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
Shirt Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
Insleeve to Outsleeve Conversion Charts
This Insleeve to Outsleeve conversion chart is provided to help you in situations where you only have an Insleeve measurement for your customer and it will be difficult for you to get an Outsleeve measurement. We highly recommend that you take and use an Outsleeve measurement for all of your customers. It is a more accurate way to measure sleeve length.
We hope this chart will help you in those cases when you are stuck with only Insleeve.
Fit Tool Specs - Reg Fit - Inch
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
Fit Tool Specs - Reg Fit - CM
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
Fit Tool Specs - Slim Fit - INCH
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
Fit Tool Specs - Slim Fit - CM
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
Fit Tool Specs - SuperSlim Fit - INCH
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
Fit Tool Specs - SuperSlim Fit - CM
These specs charts are the 2017 charts that existed before the GM2.0 update in February 2018.
The main difference is that for Fit Tool spec charts the Half Waist is measured with the buttons unfastened, laying the jacket flat.
For the GM charts the Half Waist is measured by fastening the buttons and measuring like a shirt.
FT Specs - SHORTS REG FIT Inches
Note: These specs were uploaded on March 25, 2019. Orders for SHORTS can only be placed as Fit Tool Orders in USTYYLIT.
FT Specs - SHORTS REG FIT Centimeters
Note: These specs were uploaded on March 25, 2019. Orders for SHORTS can only be placed as Fit Tool Orders in USTYYLIT.
Fit Tool Specs Overcoats - Inch
This PDF provides the FT (Fit Tool) Specs for Overcoats. The main difference between GM and FT specs is that for GM specs the torso of the coat is measured BUTTONED and laying flat like a shirt. For FT specs, the torso of the coat is measured with the coat UNBUTTONED laying open.
FT Worksheet CM
If you intend to send this Worksheet to Customer Service to be entered in USTYYLIT, you must submit page two. Customer Service cannot accept hand written notes from page 1. This worksheet is intended to make it easier for you to make quick notes while working with a customer.
FT Worksheet Inch
If you intend on submitting this Worksheet to Customer Service to be entered in USTYYLIT, you must submit page 2. Customer Service will not accept hand written notes from the page 1 notes area. This worksheet is intended to make it easier to make quick notes while working with a customer.
DO Worksheet (3-12-2020)
The DO Worksheet has been updated to reflect the new Design Options added in USTYYLIT for the SS20 season.
Fit Tool Specs Overcoats - CM
This PDF provides the FT (Fit Tool) Specs for Overcoats. The main difference between GM and FT specs is that for GM specs the torso of the coat is measured BUTTONED and laying flat like a shirt. For FT specs, the torso of the coat is measured with the coat UNBUTTONED laying open.
FT Worksheet Overcoats - CM
This PDF is a combined worksheet that has Fit Tools and Design Options all on one page.