Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
Trouser Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
The final U-Rise (on body) video does not belong to Trands but is a good representation of how to take the U-Rise measurement on the client's body.
Waistcoat Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.
Shirt Help Videos
Click on the videos below to play them. Once playing, to watch in full-screen view click on the small icon to the left of the 'Vimeo' logo in the bottom right corner. Press escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen view.